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We believe that we promote good behaviour by creating a happy caring school environment where pupils, parents/carers and school personnel feel valued and respected and where any form of anti-social behaviour is not accepted. We aim to:

  • To create an ethos that makes everyone in the school community feel valued and respected.
  • To promote good behaviour by forging sound working relationships with everyone involved with the school.
  • To promote positive behaviour for learning.

Expected Behaviour

At Netherfield, we expect our children to demonstrate these positive behaviours for learning:

  • Listening to what is being said by the speaker
  • Giving focus and attention to the task at hand
  • Following instructions when they are given

Children are not rewarded for this behaviour, as it is expected, but they will be thanked. We realise all these behaviours may not look the same for all children, and take this into account when monitoring behaviour. 

Behaviours to be Rewarded

At Netherfield, we believe that hard work and effort should be recognised and rewarded. Our ‘behaviours to be proud of’ link with our school vision and values. There are three levels of rewards:

  • Bronze: Children receive 3 Dojo point
  • Silver: Children receive 5 Dojo points and a Silver Class Teacher Certificate or sticker
  • Gold: Children receive 10 Dojo points and a Gold Headteacher Award. Gold Award winners will also be named in the weekly Celebration Assembly

Rewards will be given at the end of each school day. Dojo points will be totaled at the end of each term (three times a year). The children with the highest amount of points at the end of each term will be invited to join the Headteacher for a special Headteacher’s Tea.


Sometimes, children are not always able to continuously demonstrate the expected behaviours. At Netherfield, we use a tiered system to give our children the opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and make a positive change.

If a child does not to show one or more of the expected behaviours they will move to Level 1 within our behaviour system. 

  • Level 1: Child receives a personal reminder about what is expected of them and told how to achieve this.
  • Recording: The adult will make a private note of the reminder.

If a child has moved to Level 1 and continues to not show the expected behaviours they will move to Level 2 within our behaviour system.

  • Level 2: Children will have a timeout either in their classroom or in the neighbouring class for no more than 5 minutes. This will be dependent on age, developmental readiness or SEND needs. They will take their work them, apologise for any interruption and when they return to class, they will apologise to the adult. An adult will always have a discussion with the child about why they have received a level 2 and what they need to do to improve their behaviour.
  • Recording and Reporting: The adult will record any details of the behaviours on CPOMS and inform parents/carers either in person, via email, or PING.

If a child has moved to Level 2 and continues to not show expected behaviours and is disrupting the learning of others, they will move to Level 3 within our behaviour system.

Level 3: Children will be taken to SLT who will talk to the child about their behaviour. The children will have reflection time with a member of SLT.

Recording and Reporting: The adult will record details of the behaviours on CPOMS. SLT will contact parents/carers to discuss the behaviours shown. We understand the importance of forgiveness and fresh starts. We aim to start every day as a fresh so, whenever possible, consequences will happen on the same day.

Unexpected Behaviours

If a child displays one or more unexpected behaviours they will automatically move straight to Level 3. Unexpected behaviours include:

  • Physical violence towards adults or children (with intent)
  • Threat of physical violence towards adults or children
  • Threatening or abusive language towards, or heard by, staff or children
  • Disregard for adult instructions which lead to compromising their safety, the safety of other children or staff (e.g. entering prohibited areas of the school site, attempting to leave the school site)
  • Damage or attempted damage to school or personal property

If any of these unexpected behaviours are shown by a child, it is highly likely this may result in one of the following consequences:

  • An internal exclusion – a fixed-period of time, in school, away from peers and their classroom decided by the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher. Parents/carers will be informed and this will be recorded internally on CPOMS
  • An external suspension – a fixed-period of time, decided by the Headteacher where the child is not allowed in school. Parents/carers will be notified to collect their child by phone and details of the suspension will be put in writing to parents/carers and ESCC as well as recorded internally. For further details of guidance on suspensions, please click here.

Behaviours Outside The Classroom (Playtime and Lunchtime)

We expect all of our children to treat all adults with respect and to demonstrate our expected behaviours at playtime, lunchtime and around the school.

When support staff see children going above and beyond during these times, they will be rewarded with a token. The children can deposit their token in termly reward box. School Council will decide on the termly choice for the reward.

Playtimes and lunchtimes are separate from the system in the classroom. Children still receive Level 1, 2 and 3s but these are not linked to their behaviour in class.

  • Level 1: Child given a verbal reminder about an adult and told how to improve. Staff to make other staff on duty aware.


  • Level 2: Child directed to timeout area for no more than 5 minutes. Child spoken to about why they are there.
  • Recording and Reporting: The adult will record any details of the behaviours on CPOMS and inform parents/carers either in person, via email, or PING


  • Level 3: Children will be taken to SLT who will talk to the child about their behaviour. The children will have reflection time with a member of SLT
  • Recording and Reporting: The adult will record details of the behaviours on CPOMS. SLT will contact parents/carers to discuss the behaviours shown.
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