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Collective Worship

We believe that, in our daily collective worship, we try to create an occasion which produces a variety of responses, one of which is worship. By providing different levels of interest and involvement, all children will feel included, whatever their beliefs or background.

Composition of Collective Worship

Music – CD/internet music should be played at the beginning and end of collect worship which, if possible, fits in with the theme for the week.

Hymns/Songs - should be chosen to reflect the theme for the week or the day.

Prayers - the children should be introduced to several prayers which we expect them to learn. The compilation of pupils’ prayers should be actively encouraged and made into a book of prayers to be used at relevant times. There are also individual pupil and class prayers.

Provider - the provider may be the Head Teacher, Deputy Head, class teacher, pupils, foundation governors,  or outside speaker.

Theme - the theme to follow will be that planned by the R.E. co-ordinator or Head Teacher.


Activities for Collective Worship

In planning collective acts of worship we must bear in mind the following activities:

singing, readings and storytelling, rituals, drama, music for listening, responses, audio-visual presentation, interviews, symbols, prayer, dance, visiting speakers and cooking.


Planning the Year

When planning the year the Head Teacher/R.E. subject leader will think carefully about the inclusion of the following :

  • Class prayers
  • High days and holidays
  • Saint Days
  • Feasting for Festivals
  • World Faiths
  • National/world Events
  • Pupil Worship leaders

Planning for the academic year will take place before the end of each half term and all staff will then be given a year plan of the proposed collective acts of worship.


Organisation of the School

The Education Reform Act states that collective worship need no longer be at the start of the school day, and worship may take place in 'school groups’.

The beginning of any school day is always hectic and we are concerned that rushing pupils through registration and then into the hall for worship is devaluing the occasion and making the pupils unsettled. Therefore, our aim is to have our time of worship at times more beneficial to the pupils working day.

There will be occasions when worship, because of unforeseen circumstances, will take place in individual classrooms and be conducted by class teachers.


Length, Time and Place

We are aware that we have to fulfill a statutory amount of teacher-pupil contact time, namely 22½ hours for EYFS/KS1 and 23½ hours for KS2. Collective worship is not included in this time. Therefore, our collective worship will be kept to 15 minutes with several minutes being allowed for the pupils coming in making a maximum of no more than 20 minutes.


Involvement of Local Religious Groups

We believe that the involvement of local religious groups is vital to the development of our pupils. Therefore, speakers from local religious groups will be invited to speak to our pupils when we celebrate collective worship.


Involvement of Others

We actively encourage the involvement of outside speakers, as relevant, who will be invited to take an active part in our collective worship on a set theme. Parents will be invited to attend their child's class assemblies.


Celebration Assembly

The assembly on Friday afternoon is an occasion when the whole school meets to share together the successes and achievements of individual pupils either in or out of school. Class teachers choose individuals to be awarded 'star of the week' certificates, children who have achieved 'gold' place their pictures on our gold awards board, and whole school achievements are shared and celebrated.

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