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Welcome To Emerald Class Yr 4/5


Dear all Emerald page visitors, 

Welcome to our class webpage! Here you will find information about our latest topic, links to useful websites, interesting facts about what we learn about, and much more! Over the year, I will add more photos, information, and other features!

If you need to contact me, you can email me at samp@netherfield.e-sussex.sch.uk or message me directly on ClassDojo. Parents can also make appointments to talk to me in more detail via the school office. 

Term 1 2024 - '1066'



It’s probably the most famous date in English history... we’re travelling back to 1066! King Edward is dying, so we’ll find out who is vying for the role of king. We’ll research the events of 1066 using books and online information. What was the Battle of Hastings, and how did it change our country? We’ll discover what life was like for Norman people, what they ate, how they lived, and what jobs they did. We’ll be history detectives, looking closely at the Bayeux Tapestry and sketching parts of it. We’ll use different source materials to research Norman castles and online maps to locate them. We’ll find out about the Domesday Book and why it is still useful to historians today.

Below, a copy of the knowledge organiser for each topic is available to download in the document list. 

Useful Documents

Times Tables Rock Stars

We use Times Tables Rock Stars to develop the children's speed, fluency, and accuracy with times tables. We have daily practice each morning and afternoon, and the children's times tables home learning is set on TTRS. Please feel free to explore the site by clicking on the picture below and logging in. Each child has their own log in details - email if they have forgotten these!


Purple Mash!

We use PurpleMash to enrich our Computing curriculum, allowing children to explore key software in a safe, controlled environment. PurpleMash has programmes that allow the children to learn to touch type, word process, code, input data in spreadsheets, create basic video games, email, work on collaborative documents, and much more! Please email if you would like any more information, or click on the link below to explore the PurpleMash site. 

Class Dojo

We use Class Dojo to share videos and information and communicate with parents and carers. We have a School Story where we share information about whole school events, and each class has a Class Story to share events and pictures from their classes. Please click on the link below to explore the site and find out more. 

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